Silicon Solar Cells & Antireflection Coating


Laser Annealing


Nanopaticle Stacks

Intruded gold nanoclusters

(INC) method

Silicon Solar Cells &

Antireflection Coating


Nanoimprint &


Organic Solar Cells

Carbon Nanotube


Optical Optimization of Solar Cells

The development of highly efficient solar cells is one solution to the problems of energy depletion and environmental destruction. The key issue when attempting to increase the external quantum efficiency of semiconductor-based solar cells is reducing interfacial reflection in the solar cell working-wavelength regime.

In addition, the reflectance decreased upon increasing the height of the pyramidal features. From simulations, we predicted that the reflectance would be reduced to less than 1% when the pyramidal features had a height of 500 nm; in contrast, cylindrical pillars having the same period and height would not reduce the reflectance to less than 10%.

From an analysis of the pyramidal structures using the three-dimensional FDTD method, we found that the reflection of light in the near field could also be reduced dramatically by a pyramidal structure having a height of 500 nm; this finding is similar to the result simulated by the rigorous coupled-wave analysis.




Plane waves propagated from 1 μm
above the air–silicon interface to the
silicon surfaces (a) without pyramidal
structure and (b, c) possessing
(b) 200- and (c) 500-nm-
high pyramidal structures.

Simulated reflectance spectra of
pyramidal silicon structures: periods
of (c) heights ranging from 200 to
800 nm and a fixed period of 350 nm.

Copyright(c) 2008 Nano-optpelectronics Lab., Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C)
Phone:+886-2-3366-4076 Fax:+886-2-2362-7651