Nanoimprint & Nanofabrication


Laser Annealing


Nanopaticle Stacks

Intruded gold nanoclusters

(INC) method

Silicon Solar Cells &

Antireflection Coating


Nanoimprint &


Organic Solar Cells

Carbon Nanotube


Directly nanoimrpinting ferroelectric films

We used a reversal imprinting-in-metal (RIM) process to fabricate various three-dimensional (3D) metal structures under low pressure. Molds featuring different shapes were used to pattern various subwavelength metal structures, including pyramidal, hole-array, and craterlike structures. Refractive index matching and cavity effects both enhanced the degree of transmission of these structured metal films. The crater-like structure appears to be a promising material because of the unique properties imparted by the elongated and gradually tapering spacing of its cavities. From both near-field simulations and experimentally obtained optical spectra, we found that the cavity effect in the crater-like structure led to significantly enhanced transmission of the optical intensity. Thus, this RIM process allows the ready fabrication of various two- and threedimensional metallic structures for use in surface plasmon-based devices.


(a) Schematic representation of a crater-like structure fabricated using the RIM process. (b, c) SEM images of (b) a sharp silicon mold and (c) a gold crater structure.

(a) FDTD-simulated diagram of a crater structure having a height of 200 nm. (b) Electric field intensities determined from a near-field analysis of hole-array structures of various depths and crater structures.

Transmittance spectra of flat gold film, hole-array, and crater structures.

Copyright(c) 2008 Nano-optpelectronics Lab., Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C)
Phone:+886-2-3366-3240 Fax:+886-2-2362-7651