TI 950 TriboIndenter™ Nanomechanical Test Instrument
The TI 950 TriboIndenter is the next-generation nanomechanical test instrument providing industry leading sensitivity and unprecedented performance. The TI 950 has been developed as an automated, high throughput instrument to support the numerous nanomechanical characterization techniques developed by Hysitron. The system incorporates the newly developed performech™ advanced control module, which greatly improves the precision of feedback-controlled nanomechanical testing, provides dual head testing capability for nano–micro scale connectivity, and offers unprecedented noise-floor performance. The numerous nanomechanical testing techniques currently offered, as well as new testing methods currently being developed, make the TI 950 system an exceptionally versatile and effective nanomechanical characterization tool for the broadest range of applications.
TI 950 TriboIndenter Introducing video
Option Assemblies of TI 950 TriboIndenter
• nanoDMA™ –
Investigate time-dependent properties of materials using a dynamic testing technique designed specifically for polymers and biomaterials
• Modulus mapping –
Obtain quantitative maps of the storage and loss stiffness and moduli from a single SPM scan
• 3D OmniProbe –
Provides forces up to 10 N and scratch lengths up to 150 mm for depth-sensing micro-indentation and tribological studies
• Thermal control –
400 ºC Heating stage for the investigation of mechanical properties at non-ambient temperatures
Application of nanoindentation to characterize the mechanical properties in nanometer scale and beyond.